Passed Life is a video and sound piece created from processed clips of the artist’s family home videos. The work presents memory as a psychic substance - a particle sea possessing generative, transformative, and synthetic power, with an interface for its surface.

This text by writer Kojo Abudu accompanies the exhibition.

Ayomide Kalejaiye is a musician and video artist from Lagos, Nigeria. Working primarily with electronic and digital media, his ongoing project SAROSAYÉ contemplates the nature and meaning of being human while exploring the connections between science, spirituality, technology, and culture. His exhibition Ayé Lọjà (The World is the Marketplace) showed at the Treehouse in July, 2018, and he has also exhibited in group shows such as Exhibition Africa 2020 at Musée d’art Moderne de Paris, and Oceans and Interpreters (2020) curated by VAN Lagos at the Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei.


Kadara Enyeasi


Olatunde Alara, Ifedoyin Shotunde, Laja