Sheila Chukwulozie
No Fury
June 13, 2019

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No Fury is an excerpt from Son of Man: A theatrical exploration of the Book of Job reimagined to be the story of our fathers.

After watching all ten of her children burn in the house she built with her husband, “the wife of Job”, viscerally reflects on the gravity of what she herself has lost in a war between Man and God. Alone, she battles a singular question “ What does it befit a woman forced to lose her whole world on behalf of men at war with themselves?” Jandy Nelson writes that “grief is a house where the chairs have forgotten how to hold us, the mirror how to reflect us, the walls how to contain us.” No Fury is a performative inquiry into the stages of grief felt by a woman who has lost everything except her life.

Devil’s accomplice, Instrument of Satan, Diabolical Fury, Thoughtless Wife, Unfaithful Wife, Foolish Woman, Mindless Helpmeet. Have we met before? No? Oh, but you probably know my husband Job. Yes Job. Yes, Job the blameless, Job the faithful, Job the upright, the righteous. Okay, everybody knows who Job is. I get it. Well if you see him, do please kindly tell him that I’m finally out of options. I’m not sure where he is…probably some church somewhere…hoping to finally reach God’s ear. Meanwhile, yesterday, I was busy selling the last thing I had for the last thing we ate. Indeed, it is both my curse and my blessing that I only know how to do anything that must be done. I am Sitis. My name is never used to call me. One day when I was deep in my sleep, I heard myself choking on a piece of mirror made of letters and affects that showed me my name: Sitis…to perish, to decrease, shrink into the space behind existence. I was born to live as a death. To negate the positive…to serve and never be served. It is me who is the weaver but I am not the wearer of the cloth.

Sheila Chukwulozie is a multi-media artist who fundamentally believes that the nature of Being|Body is always fragmented, sampled, remixed and therefore, digital. Her performances and installations have been shown in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Czech Republic and USA. With a background in historical and political analysis, she always attempts to fuse social anthropology with performance. From August 2017 to August 2018, she travelled as a Thomas J Watson Fellow studying with traditional mask makers and cloth weavers in eight African countries.


Adee Roberson & keyon gaskin


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